Tag: anti-violence

  • Warren “Renaissanz Rzen” Hynson: Art Show at MICA

    Warren “Renaissanz Rzen” Hynson: Art Show at MICA

    Warren Hynson, who works under the name Renaissanz Rzen, began painting after being inspired by the work of his fellow prison artists. His vibrant acrylic portraits of inmates help tell the story of his own struggle and the struggles of his comrades in exile. The exhibition took place in the Rosenberg Gallery, 2nd Floor of the Brown Center at the Maryland Institute College of Art, Wednesday, October 1-Tuesday, October 14. The reception on Friday, October 3 included a gallery talk by muralist, painter and outsider art authority Dr. Bob Hieronimus.

    Click on the pictures to enlarge.
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  • Life: A Short Story

    Today’s post comes with two apologies. First, to you readers – here at the Program, many of us have been experiencing end-of-semester crunch in our day jobs.

    Second, this post comes with an apology to the student whose writing it is. Last summer, I taught a course titled Political Analysis and Political Narrative. Since the course focused on the way that James told the history of the Ste-Domingue (Haiti) revolution in such a way as to “argue” for his preferred Marxist understanding of politics, over the course of the class students were asked to write narratives of historical events – whether “public” history or the story of something that happened in their own lives – in a way that made a political or moral point.


  • Peace Initiative Symposium

    Many of our student scholars are also involved with the Peace Initiative, which is a program that aims to use men who are in prison as part of an outreach to youth who may become involved in violence.

    In July, the Initiative will be holding a symposium at Jessup Correctional Institute. If you are interested in attending, please check out the invite.